CategoriesTestingTips and Tricks

Spring bean creation testing – Feature Toggling

Spring auto-configuration can be tricky when it comes to conditional based bean creation. The best way to ensure the proper application context is through meticulous testing.

Spring Boot 2.X provides some test helpers for easily configuring an ApplicationContext to simulate auto-configuration test scenarios.

Application Context Runner

Utility design to run an ApplicationContext and provide AssertJ style assertions. The test is best used as a field of a test class,

Let’s try this with a use case,

Feature Toggling

Let’s assume the application consists of multiple features and these features are toggled ( bean creation ) by environment configuration-based conditions,

Feature Definition

All the features of the application are defined as an enum and the enum contains a code and the application configuration itself. For simplicity let’s consider an app with 3 features.

public enum AppHubFeature {
ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE("Order Status Update", FeatureConfig.ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE),
STOCK_ADJUSTMENT("Stock Adjustment", FeatureConfig.STOCK_ADJUSTMENT);
public static class FeatureConfig {
public static final String LOGISTIC_UNIT_UPDATE = "app-hub.feature.logistic-unit-update";
public static final String ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE = "app-hub.feature.order-line-status-update";
public static final String STOCK_ADJUSTMENT = "app-hub.feature.stock-adjustment";
public final String feature;
public final String config;
AppHubFeature(String feature, String config) {
this.feature = feature;
this.config = config;
public String config() {
return this.config;
public String feature() {
return this.feature;
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CategoriesTips and Tricks

WSL2 as IntelliJ IDEA Run Target

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 provides a seamless Linux integration with many features. As developers, we can take full advantage of both OS at the same time.

WSL support on IntelliJ IDEA

For this example, I am using a Spring Boot project located in windows and run the project on a WSL2 Linux environment.

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